Can businesses use WhatsApp Business API to send promotional messages and advertisements?

WhatsApp Business API offers businesses a powerful platform for engaging with customers, but its guidelines and policies regarding promotional messages and advertisements are stringent. Let’s delve into whether businesses can use WhatsApp Business API for such purposes:

1. Policy on Promotional Messages:

WhatsApp has strict guidelines regarding promotional messages sent through WhatsApp Business API. According to WhatsApp’s policies, businesses are prohibited from using the platform for sending unsolicited promotional messages or spam. Instead, businesses must obtain explicit consent from users before sending promotional content.

2. Opt-in Requirement:

To send promotional messages via WhatsApp Business API, businesses must ensure that users have opted in to receive such messages. This means that users must actively consent to receiving promotional content from the business. Businesses cannot send promotional messages to users who have not provided consent.

3. Message Templates and Tags:

WhatsApp Business API requires businesses to use approved message templates and message tags for sending promotional messages. Message templates must adhere to WhatsApp’s guidelines and be pre-approved by WhatsApp before they can be used for promotional purposes. Additionally, businesses can only send promotional messages using specific message tags approved by WhatsApp.

4. 24-Hour Window:

WhatsApp Business API allows businesses to send promotional messages to users within a 24-hour window after the user has initiated contact with the business. Outside of this window, businesses can only send promotional messages using approved message templates and message tags.

5. Transactional vs. Promotional Messages:

WhatsApp distinguishes between transactional and promotional messages. Transactional messages are related to a user’s interaction with the business, such as order confirmations or appointment reminders, and can be sent at any time. Promotional messages, on the other hand, are promotional in nature and must adhere to the guidelines mentioned above.

6. Compliance and Enforcement:

WhatsApp actively monitors businesses’ use of WhatsApp Business API to ensure compliance with its policies and guidelines. Businesses found to be violating WhatsApp’s policies may face penalties, including suspension or termination of their WhatsApp Business API account.


While businesses can use WhatsApp Business API to send promotional messages and advertisements, they must adhere to WhatsApp’s strict guidelines and policies regarding such content. Obtaining user consent, using approved message templates and message tags, and respecting the 24-hour window are essential requirements for businesses looking to leverage WhatsApp Business API for promotional purposes. By following these guidelines and adopting best practices, businesses can effectively engage with customers on WhatsApp while maintaining compliance with WhatsApp’s policies.